Companion Co-Pilot Course  

EAA Chapter 838 is proud to announce our Companion CoPilot Course.  As a non-pilot who occasionally flies with your pilot, you may have wondered what it would take to be more than just a passenger and be involved with the flight.  Good news, this class is made just for you! The class will help you understand the principles of flight and how to safely maneuver an airplane in flight.  In the class we will review what makes an airplane fly, what flight controls you’ll use, basic instrumentation and gauges, fundamental radio communication, general navigation equipment and how to participate as an effective crew member before and in-flight.  You’ll also have the opportunity to fly our virtual fleet of aircraft in our brand-new flight simulator lab.This class will be taught by Gold Seal Certified Flight Instructor, Gene Traas, who has been instrumental in helping us educate our chapter members. You’ll also be able to meet some local Certilight Instructors who can help you take the next step in your own aircraft. You can register for this class here.

When: May 19th, 2024, from 12pm to 4pm

Where: EAA Chapter 828 3333 N Green Bay Rd Racine, WI

Cost per couple: Gold Members - $0.00; Paid Memberships - $50.00; Free Memberships/Non-Members - $100.00


Saturday Fly Outs

 For those of you in seatch of the $100 Cheeseburger, or Omelet, or whatever is your favorite aviation food, Chapter 838 provides two opportunities each month to join your best aviation friends to fly somewhere and grab a meal and socialize. On the first Saturday of each month, Scott Sherer leads a group for a brunch or lunch flight in the area, and on the third Saturday, Ed Becerra 4e leads a group in search of a good breakfast - and if there is something interesting to see, then  all the better. In May, Ed's fly out on the 18th will visit Portage, WI, home of the Kelch Aviation Museum in Brodhead, a museum devoted to the Golden Age of Aviation. That will be a BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch) event, as they have a nice picnic area we can use. Scott is leading a trip to Madison on May 4th, On June 1st, Scott will lead a flight to Lone Rock, WI to visit Sam's Diner. For Ed's flyouts, you need to be at the airport by around 7:45 for briefing with wheels up around 8:00 am. Scott's are at a more reasonable time, leaving Racine around 9:00 am.  If you are a pilot who is going and have an extra seat, or if you don't have a plane but still want to go, contact Ed or Scott 

Details about upcoming Pancake  Breakfast



Weekly Shop Night

Have you ever wanted to learn how to pull a rivet? Are you mechanically inclined but have no space at home to build things? Are you interested in just seeing the internal workings of an airplane? If any of these apply to you, or if you are just curious, join our intrepid Monday Night Mechanics each Monday from 7:00 pm until people get tired. We are currently rebuilding an engine and completing an airplane that was begun by one of our members who unfortunately passed away before the plane was finished. The goal is to fly it once in memory of the late, great Roy Stuart, and then hang it in our museum. If you are interested in attending, please contact Glen Malkmus, our Shop Coordinator. Youth, please make sure to bring a responsible adult with you.