Chapter Celebration Banquet a Huge Success!!!!
Last Tursday evening Chapter 838 members, families and guests turned out en masse to celebrate our successes over the past year and to look towards the future - while enjoying some great food as well! To the background of guitar music and lively conversation, more than 120 guests filled our hangar to socialize with each other, present our annual awards and this year to hear and see a presentation by Jerry Glasser, former SR-71 pilot. Jerry related his experiences in learning about the plane, exploring its limits and having fun all the while. The passion in his voice was evident, and he was able to convey the significance of and strategic importance of this legendary aircraft. He followed his presentation with a short, energetic video to provide inspiration to all present. We thank Jerry for taking the trouble to visit us and tell us his story. 
On the Chapter 838 side of things, the 2024 President's Award winner was Roger Callewaert for his tireless efforts to rescue our main revenue source while still taking responsibility for maintaining our physical building. The 2024 Founder's Award winner was Ken Sack for, well, everything he has done. From being Treasurer for many, many years to leading the Explorer Base Camp at Airventure to pullig together the Pancake Breakfast for many years to just always stepping in to coordinate volunteers for Chapter events as well as always selling something for the Chapter ($20 anyone?). Our heartfelt thanks and congratulations go out to both of them as well as to all those who were recognized for their contributions.


Weekly Shop Night


Shop Night 





Have you ever wanted to learn how to pull a rivet? Are you mechanically inclined but have no space at home to build things? Are you interested in just seeing the internal workings of an airplane? If any of these apply to you, or if you are just curious, join our intrepid Monday Night Mechanics each Monday from 7:00 pm until people get tired. We are currently rebuilding an engine and completing an airplane that was begun by one of our members who unfortunately passed away before the plane was finished. The goal is to complete it by the end of 2024 and then to hang it in our museum in memor of the late, great Roy Stuart. If you are interested in attending, please contact Glen Malkmus, our Shop Coordinator. Youth, please make sure to bring a responsible adult with you.




Chapter Elections in November

Each year, the terms of half of our Chapter 838 Board Members and two Officers expire. Some people choose to ask to be retained and serve another two years, others move aside making room for new Board Members. Additionally, some years the Board elects to change the size of the Board, something permitted within the Bylaws of Chapter 838. This year, because of the resignation of our Chapter President last week, the Board of Directors has determined that the Chapter Members will elect the members of the Board, and the Board will determine who will serve out the President's term, which is not supposed to expire until the end of 2025. Please watch for a PropWash to be sent to you soon which will contain the slate of candidates. Please read carefully, and feel free to talk to any of these people and ask them what they see for the future of Chapter 838. 

The vote will actually be taken at the November Chapter Gathering. Our Bylaws state that the majority of those present at that event determine the election. We put forward the slate as a whole slate, so there is really only one vote. If you cannot attend the November Chapter Gathering but want to vote, please send your vote to [email protected]. Remember, it is all or none. If you have a strong objection to one of the persons on the slate, please send your evidence to [email protected]. Your vote counts!